Pico Agriviet

According to information from the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers, in the second half of 2021, tuna export Vietnam's tuna exports to Canada decreased continuously due to the impact of the 4th Covid-19 wave. But entering the year 2022, Vietnam's tuna exports to this market have grown continuously.

According to statistics of Vietnam Customs, the total value of Vietnam's tuna exports to Canada by the end of February 2022 reached $7.5 million, an increase of 52% over the same period in 2021. This is an increase. The most optimistic growth after months of decline.

Currently, Canada is Vietnam's second largest single tuna import market after the US, accounting for nearly 5% of total tuna export value and is the largest import market in the CPTPP bloc. 

Vietnam is mainly exporting frozen tuna meat/loin with code HS0304 to this market, accounting for 74% of total export value in the first 2 months of the year.

Vietnam is currently the second largest tuna supplier to the Canadian market, after Thailand, accounting for 12% of Canada's total tuna import volume in 2021. In the frozen tuna meat/loin market segment HS030487, Vietnam South is currently the largest supplier for this market. 

While Thailand's market share tends to decrease, Vietnam's market share tends to increase in 2021.

In 2021, there are 31 enterprises participating in exporting tuna to Canada. In which, the 4 largest tuna exporting companies are Yueh Chyang Canned Food, Foodtech, Bidifish, Tithico, Phuc Nguyen Seafood and Mowi Vietnam, accounting for over 65% of total tuna export value to this market.

According to the Vietnam Trade Office in Canada, although the market size is not as large as the US market, Canada is also a potential market for Vietnamese tuna. 

(Source: Thien Ngan – Dan Viet Newspaper)

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