Pico Agriviet

So far this year, Peruvian ginger shipments totaled 37,715 tons for US$47 million. This was 15% higher in volume, but 20% lower in value.

From January to September of this year, Peruvian ginger shipments totaled 37,715 tons for US$47 million. Compared to the first nine months of 2021, this was 15% higher in volume, but 20% lower in value. This was caused by a decrease in the international average cost, since it was US$ 1.24 per kilogram, which was 30% lower than last year. It should be noted that, according to ADEX, this drop in price was caused by the existing oversupply. On the other hand, the main destinations in this period were the United States, with a 52% share; the Netherlands, with 21%; and South Korea, with 5%.

The North Americans once again remained the main importer of Peruvian ginger, with an imported quantity of 19,109 tons for US$24 million. This meant a 26% increase in volume, but a 20% reduction in value, as recorded last year. The cost in this market was also affected by the existing oversupply and reached US$1.26 per kilogram, 37% lower than in 2021.

A total of 8,888 tons was sent to the Netherlands for US$ 10 million. Although this was 8% more in volume, the value was 25% less than the previous year. Similarly, the price in this market was reduced by 30%, thus reaching one of the lowest costs (US$ 1.11 per kilogram).

Finally, South Korea was a destination that was incorporated into this top, leaving aside Canada. Peruvian ginger exports to this Asian destination totaled 730 tons for US$ 3 million. With this, shipments to this country were four times more, both in volume and value, as obtained in the same period of 2021. In addition to this, this market was left with one of the highest prices, exceeding the international average (US $3.48 vs. $1.24).

Source: https://freshfruit.pe/2022/10/16/caida-en-los-precios-del-jengibre-peruano/

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