Pico Agriviet

The forecast for the apple and pear harvest in Catalonia for 2022 drops by 23% and 24%, respectively, compared to that of 2021. The severe frosts last spring, which also seriously affected the stone harvest, suggest that Catalonia will have the lowest pome fruit harvest in the last 5 years. 229,400 t of apple and 101,100 t of pear are expected to be harvested, according to data provided by the Catalan government and the Fruit Business Association of Catalonia (Afrucat).
The expected reduction in production is due exclusively to meteorological causes. Statistics show that seed fruit plantations have been growing slowly in recent years and no setback has been detected.”


The apple harvest forecast in Catalonia for 2022 is 229,400 t, 18% lower than the last 5 years and 23% lower than 2021, which means losing part of the potential recovered in 2021, a campaign in which which was harvested 298 million Kg.
The effects of the frosts occurred in all the production of the Ebro Valley, which foresees a similar decrease. However, it is worth mentioning the case of Girona, which has not suffered these inclemencies and which, despite suffering a slight decrease compared to last year’s production (which was a record campaign), continues to grow with an increase of 6% compared to to the average of the last 5 years.


As for the pear, the harvest forecast in Catalonia for this year is 101,100 tons, which represents a decrease of 24% compared to last year, a campaign in which 132 million kg were harvested. This important impact on production has also been caused by frost.
On the other hand, it should be said that the apple and pear campaign is expected to be delayed by between 3 and 7 days, and the quality of the fruit is expected to be correct, with smaller sizes than those of past campaigns, with the exception of the Girona apple that contemplates calibers between normal and high.
As for prices, Afrucat expects them to be very similar to last year’s because despite the fact that the harvest falls in Catalonia, the rest of Europe expects to harvest volumes close to their production potential.



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