Pico Agriviet

Shortage of Monthong Durian in Thailand

The production for Thai Monthong durian dropped due to unfavorable weather and heavy rains. Demand from China has also increased, which has affected the prices of durians. In W31, the buy-in price at the packing house for grade A durians stood between USD 5.37-5.93/kg, increasing from USD 4.80-5.51 in W30. The export volume of fresh durians to China has decreased from an average of 200 containers per week to 50 per week from last month.

Price of Thai Durian Increase as Expected

Southern Thailand faces a shortage of fresh durian as production decreased by 50% YoY due to the heavy rains in the southern region. The durian shortage has caused wholesale price increases that will last until November when other regions start their harvest season. In W32, prices at the packing houses for Monthong durian stand at USD 4.81-5.52/kg, increasing from W31 when prices stood at USD 4.24-4.67/kg.

Rains Affecting the Quality and Flavour of Phu Khao Fai Durian in Thailand

Phu Khao Fai durian is produced in Sisaket province, which is currently in the rainy season, affecting the quality of the fruit. Rains during the harvest season affect the color and flavor of durians by souring the fruit. Ethical producers do not cut durian during the rainy season to avoid low-quality sales, but if buyers really need the fruit, producers incubate durians for ten days before the sale. Forecasts indicate that as rains remain, the durian supply will decrease.

Fresh Vietnamese durians gain official China market access

On July 27, the General Administration of Customs of China officially granted permission for fresh durians from Vietnam to be imported into China, making Vietnam only the second country after Thailand to attain market access for fresh durians — China’s largest fresh fruit import by value.

China and Vietnam finally signed bilateral phytosanitary protocols for fresh durians earlier in July after at least two years of negotiations. The protocols stipulate that Vietnamese durians can be imported into China through all border gates where the GACC allows the import of fruit. The large majority of Vietnamese fruit is currently transported to China via overland crossings on the nearly 1,300-kilometer-long land border between the two countries.

Thailand will have Easier Access to Chinese Market through Laos

China, Laos and Thailand will jointly consider opening the expressway for Durian and agricultural products from Thailand. This is what Thai fruit and vegetable growers and exporters have anticipated. Transports will go through the Lao border to China’s Mohan Cargo Terminal, and both the traffic congestion causing spoilage will require document inspection channels to be passed. By the 2023 fruit season, Thai agricultural products have a more convenient access to the Chinese market.

Durian Production in Palu Region is Pre-Booked Until the End of the Season

The Montong durian harvest season in the Palu region in Sulawesi island ends in September, but on W31 producers report most of the output has been pre-booked by fruit distributors and exporters.

The demand for Palu durians continues to rise, encouraging plantation companies and local farmers to expand new planting areas. In the region, investments are being made to process fresh and frozen durians.

Currently, most of the durian production in Palu is still for the local market, with some small export volume, in the form of frozen fruit, to China. Forecasts indicate the production volume will increase next year as new plantations will start to harvest.


Source: https://www.tridge.com/stories/durian-market-updates

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