Pico Agriviet

Polish milk producers are currently at the forefront of Europe, and the achievements of Opole breeders who are able to achieve results in excess of 10,000 annually kg of milk per cow, put them at the forefront – told PAP Leszek Hądzlik, president of PFHBiPM.

On Saturday, during the Opolagra agricultural fair in Kamień Śląski, a two-day animal exhibition began, combined with the Valuation of Dairy Cattle. This year, breeders from all over Silesia – from Cieszyn to Zgorzelec – came to the exhibition near Opole. The main judge of the exhibition is Philippe Pieper from Belgium.

Average 9.2 thousand kg of milk per year

“I remember one of the exhibitions from the times when Poland was just entering the European Union. To be honest, your cows did not make a special impression on the judges. Today I had the pleasure of judging top-class animals. I am full of praise for your breeders for what they have done over the years ” – told PAP Pieper.

The president of the Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Milk Producers, Leszek Hądzlik, who was present at the exhibition, emphasized the high achievements of Polish breeders.

“At the moment, the average in our federation is up to 9.2 thousand kilograms of milk per year, which puts us ahead of France or Great Britain. However, what our members in the Opolskie Voivodeship get, i.e. 10.24 thousand kilograms of milk, is a real elite For the first time, our breeders were written about in a specialist and prestigious publication from the USA Therefore, although the number of dairy farms and cows themselves in Poland is decreasing, with increasing productivity, we are confident not only about meeting domestic demand, but also ensuring the right amount of raw material for export – explained Hadzlik.

Before leaving each evaluated cow in the stalls, their keepers carefully cleaned, combed and trimmed their hair. You could even see hair dryers, color correction kits and even glitter in use.

Nearly 70 of the best cows and heifers

“Participation in the exhibition requires a lot of preparation. A few weeks in advance you have to take care of the condition of the animal, you have to familiarize it with the catwalk and teach it proper behavior on the catwalk. Sometimes cosmetics are used, e.g. have doubts about how to settle such expenses” – says one of the carers of the heifer participating in the exhibition.

Martin Ziaja, president of the Opole Cattle Breeders Association, told PAP that this year’s exhibition can be considered successful, as evidenced by the attendance of both exhibitors and the interest of the public.

“Opolagra is the largest industry exhibition in the southern half of Poland. It is visited by over 40,000 people practically every year. We are pleased with the successful attempt to gather at our exhibition breeders from provinces that are part of the broadly understood Silesia. This year, nearly 70 of the best cows and heifers and we can see that more and more exhibitors are becoming convinced to our event, and the impartiality and high level of judging are ensured by jurors, who, as a rule, are invited from abroad, so that they can focus on assessing animals, and not maintaining personal contacts” – Ziaja believes.

The Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Milk Producers brings together 21 breeding associations from all over Poland. The structures of PFHBiPM include a total of about 17,000 farms with over 800,000 cows under assessment.

Source: https://www.agropolska.pl/aktualnosci/polska/opolagra-polscy-producenci-mleka-w-scislej-czolowce-europy,14949.html


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